Hobby Streak Done – The Conclusion

April 20, 2021 by Solar Cross

It happened, or rather did not happen, yesterday I missed a hobby session. Thus my first #hobbystreak is broken after 74 days. I must say I am a little relieved to be free of the obligation. At the same time I am also really pleased with the productivity boost that attempting a hobby streak achieved for me. In the picture you can see all that models that I brought to completion over that time. Not shown are all the the many projects advanced but not completed.

To list the projects completed in my streak:

The eldar did the best out of my streak but they were the army for which I had the most unpainted models. I still have loads unpainted though. In fact all my projects still have more unpainted than painted. My streak did not even improve the balance since during the streak I bought far more than I painted. Sigh. Let us not be negative though. Doing the hobby streak did motivate me to get lots done that I otherwise probably would not have done. I am glad I did it, and it did help me advance my projects.

That said I am not going to rush into starting another streak. I will take a break from that particular productivity hack to try some others. I feel like exploring hobby challenges next. #hobbychallenge ? Something like paint a squad in one session. Or paint for 24 hours straight and see what I can get done.

Anyway if you are considering whether to try a #hobbystreak or not to chase away your grey then why not read my little article about it here?

Or indeed look over my hobbystreak entries here.

Hobby Streak Day 1 - Tau Devilfish and Eldar Scorpions
Hobby Streak Day 2 - Ork Nobz Skin & Eldar Straps
Hobby Streak Day 3 - Tau Devilfish Panels
Hobby Streak Day 4 - More Tau Devilfish - Detailing
Hobby Streak Day 5 - Devilfish Lens Effects and Engine Intakes
Hobby Streak Day 6 - Oldhammer Crisis Suit Prep
Hobby Streak Day 7 - Free Hand Tau Devilfish Details
Hobby Streak Day 8 - Token Gesture on Ork Nobz
Hobby Streak Day 9 - Eldar War Walker Prep
Hobby Streak Day 10 - Magnetising War Walker
Hobby Streak Day 11 - Lanky Boi Built & More War Walker Work
Hobby Streak Day 12 - Priming The Two Lanky Bois
Hobby Streak Day 13 - Dropping Colour on the Lanky Bois
Hobby Streak Day 14 - Star Cannons
Hobby Streak Day 15 - Sentinel and Warp Spiders
Hobby Streak Day 16 - Ork Straps and Leather
Hobby Streak Day 17 - Priming Warp Spiders and Sentinel
Hobby Streak Day 18 - Eldar Striking Scorpions a Few Details.
Hobby Streak Day 19 - Eldar Striking Scorpions Final Touches
Hobby Streak Day 20 - Eldar Warlock Finished
Hobby Streak Day 21 - Commander Torchstar Assembled
Hobby Streak Day 22 - A Batch of Priming and Zenithal Highlights
Hobby Streak Day 23 - Commander Torchstar Gets Some Colour
Hobby Streak Day 24 - A Bit More Work on Torchstar
Hobby Streak Day 25 - Commander Torchstar Almost Done
Hobby Streak Day 26 - Commander Torchstar Almost Done Again
Hobby Streak Day 27 - Commander Torchstar Done
Hobby Streak Day 28 - Farsight Enclave List Crafting
Hobby Streak Day 29 - Dusting Off Forgotten Dire Avengers
Hobby Streak Day 30 - Dire Avengers Again
Hobby Streak Day 31 - Beginning Dire Avenger Details
Hobby Streak Day 32 - List Crafting, Research and Writing
Hobby Streak Day 33 - Dire Avenger Banner Freehand
Hobby Streak Day 34 - Dire Avengers Done - Much Freehand
Hobby Streak Day 35 - New Shiny Prep - Steel Legion Project
Hobby Streak Day 36 - Primed New Shiny - Steel Legion
Hobby Streak Day 37 - Zenithal Steel Legion New Shiny
Hobby Streak Day 38 - Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors Assembled
Hobby Streak Day 39 - Ork Nobz Metals
Hobby Streak Day 40 - Eldar Dark Reapers Stripped and Scrubbed
Hobby Streak Day 41 - Goff Ork Nobz Done!
Hobby Streak Day 42 - Eldar War Walker Pilot
Hobby Streak Day 43 - War Walker Pilot's Head
Hobby Streak Day 44 - Eldar Pilot Re-Capitated
Hobby Streak Day 45 - Lanky Bois
Hobby Streak Day 46 - Lanky Boi Star Cannons
Hobby Streak Day 47 - 1st Steel Legion Squad Gets Some Colour
Hobby Streak Day 48 - Steel Legion Squad
Hobby Streak Day 49 - Eldar Dark Reaper Filed and Based
Hobby Streak Day 50 - Batch Prime of Dark Reapers and Dark Eldar
Hobby Streak Day 51 - Steel Legion Squad
Hobby Streak Day 52 - Steel Legion Blankets and Canteens
Hobby Streak Day 53 - Steel Legion
Hobby Streak Day 54 - Steel Legion Squad Just About Done!
Hobby Streak Day 55 - Back on the Lanky Bois
Hobby Streak Day 56 - Wraithlord Done
Hobby Streak Day 57 - Eldar War Walker Weapons
Hobby Streak Day 58 - War Walker Weapons Again
Hobby Streak Day 59 - Zenithal Dark Reapers
Hobby Streak Day 60 - War Walker Weapons Again
Hobby Streak Day 61 - Sentinel Bits Snipped and Cleaned of Flash
Hobby Streak Day 62 - Eldar War Walker Nearly Done
Hobby Streak Day 63 - Fire Dragons Get a Coat of Orange
Hobby Streak Day 64 - Fire Dragon Helmets
Hobby Streak Day 65 - Eldar War Walker Done
Hobby Streak Day 66 - Fire Dragon Pants
Hobby Streak Day 67 - Fire Dragon Bases
Hobby Streak Day 68 - Wraithguard Prep
Hobby Streak Day 69 - Wraithguard Horde Assembled
Hobby Streak Day 70 - Imperial Guard Quickie
Hobby Streak Day 71 - Back on the Fire Dragons
Hobby Streak Day 72 - Eldar Fire Dragons Again
Hobby Streak Day 73 & 74 - 5 Fire Dragons Done & Priming
Hobby Streak Done - The Conclusion

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